Thursday, September 2, 2010

August Sticker Chart Winners

Congratulations to Frank Verdugo, Selena Guy, Isaac Jackson, Serenity Gipson, and Samson Barandereka for being the top five sticker chart winners for August. These students will eat lunch with me in the classroom on Friday, September 3, 2010.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Our class earned their 100 point party! We will be having cupcakes this afternoon to celebrate showing the 3 R's in school. Way to go students.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Open House

Hello Parents,
On Thursday, Septemeber 2, 2010 Turman will be hosting an Open House for parents. There will be two session times and you can choose the best time to attend. The sessions are from 6:30-7:00 p.m. and from 7:00-7:30 p.m. During this time I will be discussing expectations and curriculum for first grade as well as introducing you to our classroom blog. Since the sessions are short this is not a good time to discuss your child and how he or she is doing in class. If you would like to discuss that please feel free to set up a time before or after school where we can conference. I hope to see you all there.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 16th Newsletter

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I wanted to talk to you about the grading scale that I am going to start using on papers. I am trying to match my grades to our report cards. When you get your child’s paper home it will have a percentage grade and a letter. Here is what the letter means:
Advanced A-90% or higher (Student is exceeding grade level expectations)
Proficient P-80%-89% (Student is meeting grade level expectations)
Partially Proficient PP-60%-79% (Student is working toward grade level expectations)
Unsatisfactory U-below 60% (Student has a good start toward grade level expectations)
Here is what we are learning:
Reading: We are working on discussing the sequence of a story (beginning, middle, end) as well as the characters and setting in a story.
Writing: We are working on putting finger spaces between words and making sure the words are written on the line. We are also working on having capitals at the beginning of our sentences and using punctuation (. ? !) at the end. Students are using a BME (beginning, middle, end) plan.
Math: We are working on writing our numbers to 100, describing numbers as greater or less than, reading number words to 20, and writing number words to 10. Students are still practicing how to solve word problems by drawing a picture.
Social Studies: We are learning about Labor Day and how to read and use maps.
Science: We are starting our solids and liquids kit. Students will be learning about the properties of solids and liquids.
Homework starts this week. Each night your child will bring home their folder with their weekly tracker. Each day the tracker lists the homework for that day as well as what color your child was on for behavior. On Mondays homework that will go home is a book (please read 20 minutes a night each night and sign the reading log), a math page, a reading comprehension page (due back on Friday), and sight words. Please have students practice reading, writing, and using in sentences their sight words. Each day students bring back their homework they receive 5 Turman dollars. Students should be reading 20 minutes a night, doing a math page, re-reading the reading comprehension page, and practicing sight words.
Our classroom door is always open to parents. If you would like to
come in and observe or help out please call me and let me know.
I look forward to seeing all of you sometime in the classroom.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
call me at 579-3681.
Si usted necesita ayuda en espanol para entender esta carta
por favor llame a este telefoono Arlene Sepulveda 579-3668.

You can visit our class' online newsletter blog for up
to date news and happenings:
(type into your internet search engine-Explorer, Firefox)


Welcome to our classroom blog. On this blog you can find updates on what we are working on in class as well as student work and pictures. I am sending home a parent release form for parents to sign. If you do not want your child's work to appear on our class blog please check no on the form and return it. My classroom is always open for parents who would like to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer please give me 24 hours notice. Parents may volunteer 15 minutes or up to 2 hours. On the left side of the blog you will notice website links. Here is detailed information on what each link is.
1. Pikes Peak YMCA-This link takes you to information on the programs at the YMCA.
2. Turman Elementary-This is the official link to Turman's website. Here you will find teachers information, the principal's page, newsletters, and much more.
3. Harrison School District 2 Website-This is our district website. You can check here for information on schools, instructional calendar, CSAP scores, as well as whether schools are open.
4. Department of Human Services-This link brings you to the El Paso County Department of Human Services.
5.Care and Share Food Pantry-This link provides information about the food pantry from Care and Share.
6. Eye Doctor-This link brings you to Bright Eyes Vision.
7. 211 Colorado-This link has information on free health and human services information and referrals.

I hope you all find this blog to be helpful.
Mrs. Knight

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Picture Day!

Just a reminder that picture day is tomorrow, Friday, February 19th. Come with your best smile! If you need a new picture envelope please check in the office.

Colorado Reports

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: